No tickets are needed for any autograph session. However, lines are first come, first serve. Guests are usually scheduled for multiple sessions over the course of the event. Please be sure to check the event schedules once they are released closer to the convention.
Please note that a guest’s session times are subject to change, but should there be any changes as much advance notice as possible will be given to the attendees. Be sure to consult our Guidebook App for the most up-to-date autograph schedule.
Additionally, some guests have their own dedicated booths which they will be available at during exhibit hall hours (with obvious exceptions for breaks, meals, etc.).
You are allowed one free signature per guest in the Animé Los Angeles program book. After that, each guest sets their own rates and may have additional material (photos, merchandise, etc.) available for sale. As each guest sets their own rates, we do not have that information – it will be available during each guest’s session(s) at the event.
It’s up to each individual guest to determine if they are willing to sign any particular item. Please be sure to ask at each session if an item is acceptable.