Prize Emporium

Updated Jan 11, 2025 @ 9:59 am

Brought to you by the Prize Team Henchmen.


Location: 203B

Thursday: 12pm – 6pm
Friday: 10am – 6 pm
Saturday: 10am – 6 pm
Sunday: 10am – 4pm

There are three ways of winning prizes at Animé Los Angeles: Prize Tickets, Event Ticket Awards, or an event you’re participating in hands out their own prizes. Read on to learn how our system works:


Most of our prizes are awarded via Prize Tickets – little tickets that say Animé Los Angeles and have a special hologram and a denomination on them (for example, “5 points”). Prize Tickets may be awarded at an event or in another situation by an official member of the Animé Los Angeles staff. Bring your tickets to the Prize Team Redemption room, located in the Long Beach Convention Center – 2nd floor, to redeem them for the prize(s) of your choice. There are 5 point prizes, 10 point prizes and so forth; feel free to collect your tickets and add them up for bigger prizes.


At some events you may be lucky enough to win a ticket (badge) to an upcoming convention – it could be for next year’s Animé Los Angeles or another convention who has offered their badge (ticket) as a prize. In either case, you will need to fill out a form with your name, address and so forth, as a record of your award. A representative of the Prize Team will be on hand when the ticket (badge) is awarded to help make sure you get your award for that following convention. This will include presenting you with a receipt for your own records signed by the event coordinator, a member of the Prize Team senior staff and yourself, so that you have proof that you’ve won a Event Ticket Award.

Whatever you do, don’t leave without doing the paperwork and having it signed properly or there won’t be a badge (ticket) in the system for you. Event Ticket Awards that have not had their paperwork filled out and signed correctly will be deemed null and void.

If you have any questions regarding a Event Ticket Award, feel free to drop by The Prize Emporium and speak to a member of our staff.


A few events, such as our formal dance, special event-specific prizes that they hand out personally (for example, a gift certificate or another prize of some kind). These prizes are separate from, and should not be confused with, Animé Los Angeles Prize Tickets or Event Ticket (Badge) Awards, although they could also be awarded in addition to the event’s own prizes.

In short: Prize Tickets can be redeemed at the Prize Emporium, Event Ticket Awards must have paperwork filled in to be officially awarded and some events give out their own prizes.

Prize Room Sponsors

We would like to thank some of our gracious exhibitors who have donated to our prize room this year!

Star Salts

Weird Works