Formal Dance

Updated Apr 22, 2024 @ 10:38 am

Animé Los Angeles Formal Dance


Join us for a night under the stars!

If you can’t wait to get your feet moving or are looking to make friends before the event, check out our social dance lessons that will be held throughout the day! You are also welcome to improvise and simply dance the night away in your own style! There will be various awards based on different categories for guests who stand out from the crowd with beautiful and unique cosplays, expressive and elegant dance moves, and an enthusiastic attitude during the night!

Stay tuned to our event page and discussion for more announcements and updates! Looking forward to seeing you all soon!


Event Rules:

  • Dress code will be enforced at the door. Please read below for more information.
  • No food and drinks in the event space and dance area. Water is allowed.
  • You are welcome to ask anyone in the room to dance. Please be respectful to guests if they do not accept your requests.
  • We will have a dedicated “Ask Me to Dance” area where guests are welcome to ask and accept dance requests and a dedicated “Rest” area for guests to rest, take a break from dancing, and avoid dance requests. Please do not ask anyone at the “Rest Area” for a dance.

Dress Code:

Recommended: Suits, Slacks, Dress pants, Button up shirts, Blouses, Dresses, Skirts, Capes, Heels, Dress shoes, Flats, Lolita apparel, Cosplays that are allowed but required to meet the dress code
Not Allowed: T-shirts, Visible Lingerie, Shirtless, Jeans, Athletic Clothes, Weapon props, Bare feet, flip flops, Steel toed shoes